Here is the list of Life Clothes
Hat: Boss- Kraysys
Robe: Boss- Malistair Drake
Shoes: Boss- Victor Snowcrusher
Sword: Boss- Valeska Redwind
Dagger: Boss- The horder
Ring: Boss- Gallium Paladin
Here is the list of Death Clothes
Hat: Boss- Yeva Spiderkeeper
Robe: Boss- Malistair Drake
Shoes: Boss- Kraysys
Sword: Boss- Ivan Soulslinger
Dagger: Boss- Ivan Soulslinger
Ring: Boss- Giant Homonculus
Here is the list of Fire Clothes
Hat: Boss- Viktor Snowcrusher
Robe: Boss- Malistair Drake
Shoes: Boss- Yeva Spiderkeeper
Sword: Boss- Vladimir Darkflame
Dagger: Boss- Giant Homonculus
Ring: Boss- Avalanche
More to come...hopefully
Cya later!